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Plant Care Tips

Your plant wants your love, time and attention. Here are some care tips and tricks from our green fingered experts.

The Plant Hero

Our plant pro's have created this list of absolute must-have plant tips, for ensuring happy pants.
Find The Right Balance

Most plants don’t like extreme conditions. Avoid placing your plant in very cold or hot areas. Depending on the type of plant, too much or not enough light can also make your plant unhappy. Be sure to research the best conditions for your plant, to find the ideal spot in you home.

Image by Huy Phan
Image by Daniel Öberg
Love Your Plant

Your plant wants your love, time and attention. Many people believe that talking and even singing to your plant will help it flourish.

Pamper Your Plant

Keep your plant looking its best by spraying regularly with Neem Oil. Not only will it help to keep your plant looking healthy and shiny, it also acts as a natural insecticide.

Power In Numbers

Much like people, plants love to be in groups. When placed together, your plants will create their own little tropial microclimate. This acts as a natural humidifier.

Prone to forgetfulness? Or often spend long lengths of time away from home? We have picked out the plants that will work best for you.

Image by vadim kaipov
Image by Linh Le
Don't Over Do It

The most common house plant killer is overwatering. Most plants don’t like to be watered everyday, a little misting on the leaves however will keep your plant looking fresh.

Try using neem oil, or one of our many other useful plant hacks such as the icecube and the chopstick.

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